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Responding to COVID-19

Hanson CEO, Phil Schacht response to COVID-19

As we move through this pandemic COVID-19 continues to impact every aspect of our daily lives, our social interactions, the communities we live in and how we work at Hanson.  As a company we have always embraced technology which has served us well during this time as we have successfully worked remotely, managed productivity, effectively collaborated within our teams and communicated regularly with our customers.

Our priority has always been to keep people safe.  In relation to COVID-19 we have implemented a thorough management plan across our national operations, which includes contact tracing in the event of a positive test result, deep cleaning of all machinery and equipment and ensuring hygiene protocols are always followed.  Hanson is following and will continue to follow the advice of government in regards to COVID-19 protocols.

COVID-19 presents an extraordinary challenge for our business,  our communities, our teams and our customers. Our account managers, customer service centre and the entire business remains committed to supporting our customers and our community during this pandemic.

Please stay safe.


19 July 2021

In response to the latest NSW Government restrictions on the construction industry, a spokesperson for Hanson said:

“Hanson notes that the construction industry will be forced to pause operations for the next two weeks.

“This is disappointing given the importance of the industry to the NSW economy, however we understand the need to take action at the present time.

“Hanson has acted in line with NSW Health advice and will continue to do so to limit the spread of the COVID-19 Delta strain.

“As a result of the latest restrictions and subsequent shutdown of the construction industry, Hanson has had to halt its Greater Sydney Concrete Operations. The only exception is for essential work as defined in the NSW Government Health Order.

“We understand the impact this will have on our employees, contractors and their families and are reaching out to everyone individually to offer them support.

“Hanson has implemented a thorough COVID-19 management plan across our national operations, including contact tracing in the event of a positive test result, deep cleansing of all machinery and equipment and ensuring hygiene protocols are followed at all times.

“We will continue to review this in line with NSW Health and government advice so we can re-open as soon as possible.”

Media inquiries:

Cannings Strategic Communications


16 July 2021

Hanson Australia notes the latest information from NSW Health in relation to deliveries from the Greenacre site.

Hanson has been contacting customers to alert them to the health order and is continuing to work with NSW Health to ensure thorough contact tracing is carried out.

The site has been deep-cleaned, in line with the existing management plan.

Hanson has implemented a thorough COVID-19 management plan across its national operations which includes contact tracing in the event of a positive test result, deep cleaning of all machinery and equipment, and ensuring hygiene protocols are followed at all times.

Media inquiries:

Cannings Strategic Communications


16 July 2021

Hanson Australia today rejected claims by the Transport Workers’ Union (TWU), regarding the confirmation of four COVID-19 cases at its Greenacre site in Sydney.

A spokesperson for Hanson said:

“The claims made by the TWU regarding Hanson and our employees are baseless and extremely disappointing.

“The fact is that the initial Hanson employee who contracted the virus was working night shift on the night of Friday, July 9, and had no symptoms.

“The employee called in sick prior to work on Monday, July 12. He did the right thing and got tested and isolated at home.

“The employee received a positive test result from NSW Health on Tuesday, July 13, and alerted Hanson immediately.

“As soon as Hanson was informed on Tuesday, NSW Health was contacted and we put in place our own internal COVID-19 safe protocols, which included the deep cleaning of the site and thorough contact tracing.

“We also informed all of our employees, including drivers – and have continued to keep them informed of developments.

“Subsequently, three other employees have also tested positive.

“Although the site was deep-cleaned, as soon as we received a public health order, we shut down the site and parked up many of our trucks. We are currently awaiting directions from NSW Health as to when it will reopen.

“Hanson has followed and will continue to follow the advice of NSW Health.

“Hanson has implemented a thorough COVID-19 management plan across its national operations which includes contact tracing in the event of a positive test result, deep cleaning of all machinery and equipment, and ensuring hygiene protocols are followed at all times.”

Media inquiries:

Cannings Strategic Communications