Mobile Plants
Hanson’s mobile plants can be easily deployed to remote locations, ensuring a reliable supply of concrete whenever it is needed. We have delivered concrete to hundreds of remote Australian operations, including large mining projects for Rio Tinto and BHP Billiton.
Mobile plants can be tailored to suit unique project requirements and compliance standards. Basic low-cost options are available, right through to commercial-scale delivery.
- Suitable for any project scope: from basic, low-cost options that can be mobilised and producing concrete within days, to a major project plant with capacity of 200m3/hr
- Ideal for batching of materials for concrete production, roadbase materials and controlled dispatch of mining waste used as stabilised fill
- Easily configured with high capacity storage for multiple cement types, water treatment and chilling facilities including 100 percent maintenance coverage and automated operation
- NATA-accredited laboratories available for onsite setup
- Reliable plant equipment that meets safety standards
- Bridge constructions
- Road paving
- Distribution centres
- Windfarms
- Manufacturing plants
- Shopping malls
- Dams
- Airports
- Railways
- Major infrastructure projects
- Treatment facilities
- Marine structures and pipelines
- Remote area housing and community facilities
- Remote projects